Today, and everyday, I'm so beyond thankful. I'm thankful for my health, my ability to move my body, to practice yoga (and run, and box, and walk, and train). I'm thankful for a roof over my head (that I'm lucky enough to share with two incredible humans). I'm thankful for a job, one that pays me well and allows me to see the world. I'm thankful to live in a place like New York City, which although at times can be the absolute worst, is more often than not actually the absolute best. But above all, I'm thankful to have surrounded myself with caring, loving, smart, thoughtful, successful, amazing people to share this journey with, and I'm thankful that they've chosen to love me back. This year might not have been the best, but it's the people that have come into my life, stayed in my life, and on occasion, left my life, that have still made this year special.
With about a month left in the year, Thanksgiving always feels like an appropriate time to reflect on the past eleven months, to think about what we loved, what went wrong, things we did or didn't do. This year, I'm trying to forego that reflection and instead just look to the future. I think we can all agree that 2016 wasn't the best year we've had, collectively (and individually, for me), which is why maybe this year we give our thanks for who we have and what we have, and just look forward. Look forward to tomorrow, next month, next year. Look forward to controlling what we can and letting go of what we can't. Look forward to all of the amazing journeys we have coming our way.
Today I ask you to love, laugh, get outside, spend time with family and/or loved ones, to eat, drink, smile, live. Give thanks for what got us here, for those around us, and look forward to all of the good that is to come.
Happy Thanksgiving.